sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

Personal Profile - Hosana Vieira


Name: Hosana Vieira de Souza.
Date of birth: 13/01/1996.
Place of Birth: Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais.
Previous school: Colégio Tiradentes da pmmg.
School: CEFET MG
Course: Enviromental technicion.
Likes: I like reading romance and all kind of books that I think it's interesting, I'm addicted at movies and chocolate. Also, I love going to amusement parks, going to the movie theater or doing anything with my friends. Futhermore, I love to take a nap in the afternoon,unfortunately this isn't possible anymore.
Dislikes: I don't like horror movies or those comedy ones that isn't funny at all. I hate bad words and people that humiliate others by doing bullyng. I really don't like staying alone at home because I always want to talk to somebody.
Any important coment about yourself: I'm a friendly person that loves helping people and meet new people too. I'm a little shy but at the same time a little bit outgoing too.

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