sábado, 17 de março de 2012

Personal Profile - Letícia Guido

Name: Letícia Tanise Guido de Miranda
Date of birth: April, 24, 1997
Place of birth: Belo Horizonte
Previus school: Colégio Providência
Actual school: CEFET MG
Course: Environmental technician
Likes: I like animals, music, and PC. I also like to talk to my friends and hang out with them, usually go the theater or go to an ice cream parlor. Tours are very nice, especially with my family.
Dislikes: I do not like fake people, and I'm not a big fan of studying. I am not of those who loves TV. And although I like animals, I don’t like horses, I'm afraid.
Any important thing about yourself: I don't know what is important about me, just know that I like to be so.

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