segunda-feira, 12 de março de 2012

Personal Profile - Isabela

Name: Isabela Teixeira de Almeida Coelho
Date of Birth : October 06, 1996
Place of Birth : Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
Previous School: Colégio Santo Agostinho - Unidade Contagem
School: CEFET-MG
Course: Environmental Technician
Likes: I like to talk a lot, to listen to music, to watch TV, to surf on the internet. I love my friends, and to read a book, to dance, to go to party, to eat french fries, to drink coca-cola, to take  pictures, to go to mall, to paint my nails, to use makeup, to buy clothes and shoes. I love my life. 
Deslikes: I don´t like to study, to stay in my house, to do homework, and to study and do a test.
Any important comment about yourself : I never watched the " Titanic ".

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