and Powerful Baritone, and the Master of the Art Song. (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/19/arts/music/dietrich-fischer-dieskau-german-baritone-dies-at-86.html?_r=1&ref=todayspaper)
Lyrical and Powerful Baritone (Barítono lírico e poderoso)
Head of the group: Baritone
Modifiers: Lyrical and Powerful
Barítono lírico e poderoso, e o mestre da canção Arte.
Lyrical and Powerful Baritone (Barítono lírico e poderoso)
Head of the group: Baritone
Modifiers: Lyrical and Powerful
Barítono lírico e poderoso, e o mestre da canção Arte.
Delicate, Buttery Flounder With Green Garlic.
Delicate, Buttery Flounder (Linguado delicado e amanteigado)
Head of the group: Flounder
Modifiers: Delicate, Buttery
Linguado delicado e amanteigado com alho verde.
Delicate, Buttery Flounder (Linguado delicado e amanteigado)
Head of the group: Flounder
Modifiers: Delicate, Buttery
Linguado delicado e amanteigado com alho verde.
Win, Panic, Panic, Win: That’s Life In Miami. (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/22/sports/basketball/after-heat-panics-twice-and-wins-twice-series-with-pacers-is-tied.html?_r=1&ref=sports)
Win, Panic, Panic, Win […] life in Miami (Ganhar, Pânico, Pânico, Ganhar,
a vida em Miami)
Head of the group: Life in Miami
Modifiers: Win, Panic, Panic, Win
Ganhar, Pânico, Pânico, Ganhar: isto é a vida em Miami.
Head of the group: Life in Miami
Modifiers: Win, Panic, Panic, Win
Ganhar, Pânico, Pânico, Ganhar: isto é a vida em Miami.
New and Frozen Frontier Awaits Offshore
Oil Drilling. (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/24/science/earth/shell-arctic-ocean-drilling-stands-to-open-new-oil-frontier.html?_r=1&ref=todayspaper)
New and Frozen Frontier (Fronteira nova e
Head of the group: Frontier
Modifiers: New and Frozen
Fronteira nova e congelado aguarda a perfuração de petróleo em alto mar.
Head of the group: Frontier
Modifiers: New and Frozen
Fronteira nova e congelado aguarda a perfuração de petróleo em alto mar.
Double dip recession (Dupla e funda recessão)
of the group: recession
Modifiers: Double dip
Modifiers: Double dip
Recessão dupla e funda é pior do que se
Prepare for that Special Spring Race. (http://www.thehealthjournals.com/2012/02/prepare-for-that-special-spring-race/)
Special Spring Race
(Raça especial da primavera)
Head of the group: Spring
Modifiers: Special race
Head of the group: Spring
Modifiers: Special race
Prepare-se para a raça especial da primavera.
A Well-Made
Bed to Lie In. (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/24/garden/3-interior-designers-work-on-the-perfectly-made-bed.html?_r=1&ref=garden)
Well-made bed (Cama bem feita)
Head of the group: Bed
Modifiers: Well-made
Uma cama bem feita para se deitar.
Secrets to a Long Running Career. (http://www.thehealthjournals.com/2011/01/secrets-to-a-long-running-career/)
Long Running Career (longa carreira de corredor)
Head of the group: Career
Modifiers: Long running
Segredos para uma longa carreira de corridor.
Well-made bed (Cama bem feita)
Head of the group: Bed
Modifiers: Well-made
Uma cama bem feita para se deitar.
Secrets to a Long Running Career. (http://www.thehealthjournals.com/2011/01/secrets-to-a-long-running-career/)
Long Running Career (longa carreira de corredor)
Head of the group: Career
Modifiers: Long running
Segredos para uma longa carreira de corridor.
A Very Fine Line.
Very fine line (Linha muito fina)
Head of the group: Line
Modifiers: Very fine
Uma linha muito fina.
Your Business Needs To Be Agile, Flexible, and Resilient. (www.nytimes.com/pages/technology/index.html)
Head of the group: Business
Modifiers: Agile, Flexible, and Resilient
Seu negócio precisa ser ágil, flexível e resiliente.
replacement therapy, 10 years after claims of a cancer link. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-checkup/post/hormone-replacement-therapy-10-years-after-claims-of-a-cancer-link/2012/05/21/gIQAx8RMgU_blog.html)
Hormone replacement therapy (Terapia de reposição hormonal)
Head of the group: Therapy
Modifiers: Hormone replacement
Terapia de reposição hormonal, 10 anos após reclamação de elo com câncer.
Hormone replacement therapy (Terapia de reposição hormonal)
Head of the group: Therapy
Modifiers: Hormone replacement
Terapia de reposição hormonal, 10 anos após reclamação de elo com câncer.
Phillips named fifth consecutive guy-with-guitar ‘American Idol’
winner. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/tv-column/post/phillip-phillips-named-fifth-consecutive-guy-with-guitar-american-idol-winner/2012/05/24/gJQAA4gCmU_blog.html)
Phillip Phillips fifth consecutive guy-with-guitar (Phillip Phillips o quinto consecutivo garoto com o violão)
Head of the group: Phillip Phillips
Modifiers: fifth consecutive guy-with-guitar
Phillip Phillips é o quinto consecutivo garoto com o violão nomeado como vencedor do ‘American Idol’.
Phillip Phillips fifth consecutive guy-with-guitar (Phillip Phillips o quinto consecutivo garoto com o violão)
Head of the group: Phillip Phillips
Modifiers: fifth consecutive guy-with-guitar
Phillip Phillips é o quinto consecutivo garoto com o violão nomeado como vencedor do ‘American Idol’.
Mario Gutierrez is riding sudden fame with modesty. (http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-dwyre-20120524,0,4993107.column)
Sudden fame with modesty (Fama repentina com modéstia).
Head of the group: Fame
Modifiers: Sudden, Modesty
Mario Gutierrez está montando a fama repentina com modéstia.
Sudden fame with modesty (Fama repentina com modéstia).
Head of the group: Fame
Modifiers: Sudden, Modesty
Mario Gutierrez está montando a fama repentina com modéstia.
Arroyo Grande, a charming
town in California's Central Coast.
Charming town (cidade encantadora).
Head of the group: Town
Modifiers: Charming
Arroyo Grande, uma cidade encantadora na Costa Central da Califórnia.
Charming town (cidade encantadora).
Head of the group: Town
Modifiers: Charming
Arroyo Grande, uma cidade encantadora na Costa Central da Califórnia.
5 Hot Green Jobs Available Today (http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2012/05/17/5-hot-green-jobs-available-today/)
Hot Green jobs (Trabalhos quentes e verdes)
Head of the group: Job
Modifiers: Hot Green
5 trabalhos quentes e verdes disponíveis hoje.
Hot Green jobs (Trabalhos quentes e verdes)
Head of the group: Job
Modifiers: Hot Green
5 trabalhos quentes e verdes disponíveis hoje.
Energy Saves Jobs (http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2011/11/14/renewable-energy-saves-jobs/)
Renewable Energy (Energias renováveis)
Head of the group: Energy
Modifiers: Renewable
Energias Renováveis Salva Empregos.
Renewable Energy (Energias renováveis)
Head of the group: Energy
Modifiers: Renewable
Energias Renováveis Salva Empregos.
Rio+20 Points the Way to a Green Economy without Poverty. (http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2012/05/15/rio20-points-the-way-to-a-green-economy-without-poverty/)
Green Economy (Economia verde)
Head of the group: Economy
Modifiers: Green
Rio +20 aponta o caminho para uma Economia Verde Sem Pobreza
Green Economy (Economia verde)
Head of the group: Economy
Modifiers: Green
Rio +20 aponta o caminho para uma Economia Verde Sem Pobreza
Weird & Wild: 5 Weirdest
Antarctic Species. (http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2012/05/17/weird-wild-5-weirdest-antarctic-species/)
Weirdest Antarctic Species (Estranhas espécies da Antártida)
head of the group: species
modifiers: weirdest Antarctic
Estranho e selvagens: as 5 espécies mais estranhas da Antártida
Weirdest Antarctic Species (Estranhas espécies da Antártida)
head of the group: species
modifiers: weirdest Antarctic
Estranho e selvagens: as 5 espécies mais estranhas da Antártida
U.S. Banks See Strong
Strong Profits (Fortes lucros)
Head of the group: profits
Modifiers: strong
Translation: Bancos dos EUA veêm fortes lucros.
Strong Profits (Fortes lucros)
Head of the group: profits
Modifiers: strong
Translation: Bancos dos EUA veêm fortes lucros.
Trays and High Hopes. (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/24/fashion/the-day-jobs-of-the-cater-waiters.html?ref=style)
Silver Trays (Bandejas de prata) High Hopes (Grandes esperanças)
Head of the group: Trays Head of the group: Hopes
Modifiers: Silver Modifiers: High
Bandejas de prata e grandes esperanças.
Group: Ana Flávia, Beatriz and Fernanda.Silver Trays (Bandejas de prata) High Hopes (Grandes esperanças)
Head of the group: Trays Head of the group: Hopes
Modifiers: Silver Modifiers: High
Bandejas de prata e grandes esperanças.
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